Friday, February 8, 2008


i really like this term implicature as this is one term that i can immediately connect with real life. implicature means saying one thing but meaning another, well isn't that what we commonly do in real life? just like how you tell your parents you really want to come back from christmas to be with them but you have outdoor work overseas, when actually you are going to attend a friend's party.
well that is exactly how Albert and his mother was like. one indirectly telling the mother that the party is more fun than the card game that they were supposed to have and the mother indirectly telling him not to leave her alone. i really think it is easier to learn literature this way as we can connect it with real life, and IMPLICATURE is a long word so it is now easier understood when it can be related to one's life.

1 comment:

emeliea said...

actually, i'm not focusing on this word before. after i read your blog (and also Lee's blog), i recall my memory about implicature. and the result is I DON'T HAVE ANY INFORMATION ABOUT IT BEFORE...=)
i looked in my dictionary. there was no such word of IMPLICATURE. i just found the word of IMPLICATION which means "thing that is suggested or implied"; "thing not openly stated". and the example given is "Failure to say 'No'may, by implication, be taken to mean 'Yes'".
in my opinion, this word may parallel to connotative meaning. what actually want to be said is hidden by another denotative meaning. but, can it be parallel with irony? you said that 'implicature means saying one thing but meaning another'. isn't it is an irony?
for me, implicature has it's own goodness and badness. the godness is we don't have to say the harsh thing to states our stands. for example, if we want to tell someone that we want to be alone, it is better to say 'i need time for myself' rather than say 'i don't need you to be at my side'. but the bad thing will happen if the person misunderstood our intended meaning.
so, i think we should USE THE IMPLICATURE PROPERLY..